Hamburg HafenCity
Flawless mechanical lock technology for the building in HafenCity
In 2009, Unilever, the world’s largest producer of consumables, transferred its headquarters to Hamburg’s HafenCity and moved into the building Strandkai 1, which was generally referred to as the Unilever building at the time. In its day, the futuristic building was seen as a flagship project. From the spacious open stairs visitors enjoy a view over the port of Hamburg and the HafenCity cruise terminal.
Xing, New Work SE, is now the building’s main tenant and has moved its Hamburg headquarters there. The rapidly growing career network needs space – which it has at Strandkai 1. To guarantee security for the many employees and tenants, those responsible trust in mechanical WILKA lock technology, type SI6, with a vertical keyway. Around 600 of these lock cylinders were delivered for this property in January 2022.
The cylinders comply with DIN 18252 and DIN EN 1303 and are fitted with six pin tumblers (30 mm and over); five pin tumblers are used with short cylinders (26.5 mm) or asymmetrical cylinders. The system is protected by multiple patents. Users enjoy the highest level of anti-copy protection for keys as a result of a pair of protector pins in the key and cylinder core. The paracentric key profile offers a high level of protection against unauthorised opening with picking tools.
In conversation with specialists
The lock system was planned and installed by lock fitter Carsten Heuer. The Hamburg-based trader is a WILKA disciple and has over 30 years of industry experience. He opened his specialist store in Wandsbeker Chaussee in 2004 and offers his customers everything from a single source, with his main area of expertise clearly being mechanics. Electronic systems now make up some 10 percent of his business and are increasing in popularity. We spoke to Carsten Heuer about the specific challenges of the Strandkai 1 project.
Mr Heuer, around 600 mechanical WILKA lock cylinders of the type SI6 were provided in the context of modernisation work, with a good 550 being used. Why was the lock system replaced?
Carsten Heuer: Up to this time, a mechanical lock system from a Swiss provider was in place. Due to the change in tenant and the entirely new lock technology requirements associated with this, the decision was made to install a completely new system. As the responsible trader, I mentioned the SI6 system from WILKA. The possibility of advance planning was particularly appealing, as the use of the storeys and spaces will definitely change considerably in the coming months and years. This lock system enables a response to this. The system was broadly planned. For the entire building there are currently 19 so-called groups as well as various central locks. A general master key exists and is kept in the fire brigade key depot.
Why didn’t the operator choose an electronic system directly rather than deciding on the mechanical system?
Carsten Heuer: It must be stated that given the quantity of cylinders – around 600 lock cylinders were delivered to the property in total – the cost argument was clearly the main consideration for the owner.
Were any special cylinders used in the building?
Carsten Heuer: No, no special solutions were requested.
How many keys are currently in use?
Carsten Heuer: As there are several keys for every cylinder, some 1,700 keys have currently been issued.
Do all tenants and users have access to the building around the clock?
Carsten Heuer: The building is, of course, always accessible for the tenants in principle. But publicly accessible areas are locked in the evening.
Does the building have a facility manager who is responsible for the lock plan and who organises the allocation of keys?
Carsten Heuer: Both the main tenant and the owner have employed a facility manager. They manage the lock plans, hand out keys and take back keys that are no longer needed. I am in regular contact with both.
What happens in the event of lost keys?
Carsten Heuer: Luckily no keys have been lost so far, as the lock system is still very new. Although it must be said that the loss of a key does not necessarily require the whole system to be replaced. In such cases, WILKA Schließtechnik is there to provide me with support and can determine which cylinders or groups are impacted by a change.
How are access options managed for service providers and service staff – for instance cleaners or tradespeople?
Carsten Heuer: In Strandkai 1 things are set up in such a way that service providers, in this case cleaners, have keys that only grant access to clearly defined areas.
Is there a hotline to you, for instance for the replacement of cylinders at short notice – or are there always enough replacement cylinders at the property?
Carsten Heuer: Some 50 cylinders are currently available as reserves. For this reason, there is no need to set up a hotline at present. But I don’t want to exclude the possibility of this happening at some point.