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WILKA History


1835 – 1865

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From the cradle to independence

Rasmus Malling-Hansen develops the typewriter in 1865, which is mass-produced a few years later.
Wilhelm Karrenberg, founds his locksmith's workshop in 1865
Company founded in 1865
Wilhelm Karrenberg, born in 1835, founds the company in 1865. Wilhelm Karrenberg probably starts his own business with nothing more than a vice, some files and other small hand tools to produce his own furniture locks. The first headquarters of the company is also his apartment.

1835 – 1865

From the cradle to independence

Wilhelm Karrenberg, founds his locksmith's workshop in 1865
Company founded in 1865
Wilhelm Karrenberg, born in 1835, founds the company in 1865. Wilhelm Karrenberg probably starts his own business with nothing more than a vice, some files and other small hand tools to produce his own furniture locks. The first headquarters of the company is also his apartment.
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Rasmus Malling-Hansen develops the typewriter in 1865, which is mass-produced a few years later.
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1869 – 1886

From craftman's business to family company

Carl Benz patents his motorised car in 1886.
House and workshop at Heidefeld, from 1869
The company finds a new headquarters
When the company finds its new headquarters, in a half-timbered house with a small workshop/forge in 1869, it is only about 200 metres away from where the head office is located today. In the 70s and 80s, the smithy is expanded several times and already has a capacity of 18 employees. During this time, his three sons also join the company: Julius, August and Ernst. In 1884, lock production is expanded from furniture locks to door lock manufacturing.

1869 – 1886

From craftman's business to family company

House and workshop at Heidefeld, from 1869
The company finds a new headquarters
When the company finds its new headquarters, in a half-timbered house with a small workshop/forge in 1869, it is only about 200 metres away from where the head office is located today. In the 70s and 80s, the smithy is expanded several times and already has a capacity of 18 employees. During this time, his three sons also join the company: Julius, August and Ernst. In 1884, lock production is expanded from furniture locks to door lock manufacturing.
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Carl Benz patents his motorised car in 1886.

1887 – 1911

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The road to industrialisation

1895 Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovers X-rays.
Photo from 1888: The company founder with his three sons, three workers and one apprentice
The next generation takes over
In order to accommodate the company's steady growth, a new property is acquired, which still remains the company's headquarters today. The technology of lock manufacturing begins to change. Until this point, locks had only been manufactured by hand, but now a gas engine is used to power the machines. Wilhelm Karrenberg transfers the company to his three sons. The first entry in the commercial register on 28 June 1901 names the sons Julius, August and Ernst as partners in the general partnership.

1887 – 1911

The road to industrialisation

Photo from 1888: The company founder with his three sons, three workers and one apprentice
The next generation takes over
In order to accommodate the company's steady growth, a new property is acquired, which still remains the company's headquarters today. The technology of lock manufacturing begins to change. Until this point, locks had only been manufactured by hand, but now a gas engine is used to power the machines. Wilhelm Karrenberg transfers the company to his three sons. The first entry in the commercial register on 28 June 1901 names the sons Julius, August and Ernst as partners in the general partnership.
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1895 Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovers X-rays.
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1912 – 1923

Resumption of lock production

The first non-stop flight across the Atlantic is made in 1919 by John Alcock & Arthur Whitten Brown.
The company's first lorry is a NAG
The company grows and becomes mobile
The First World War brings great difficulties. Once the war is over, the manufacture of door locks resumes. The fact that an extension is built in 1921 shows how quickly the company begins endeavouring to further expand its production. The very first lorry, made by NAG, is purchased in 1923. Two years later, the first passenger car is also purchased.

1912 – 1923

Resumption of lock production

The company's first lorry is a NAG
The company grows and becomes mobile
The First World War brings great difficulties. Once the war is over, the manufacture of door locks resumes. The fact that an extension is built in 1921 shows how quickly the company begins endeavouring to further expand its production. The very first lorry, made by NAG, is purchased in 1923. Two years later, the first passenger car is also purchased.
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The first non-stop flight across the Atlantic is made in 1919 by John Alcock & Arthur Whitten Brown.

1923 – 1927

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The first WILKA cylinder lock

In 1924, the electric suburban railway begins operating in Berlin.
The Bramah lock, one of the most secure locks of its time
The focus is on mortise locks
Once the hyperinflation crisis ends, the range is expanded. The company changes from a specialised factory for rim locks to a manufacturer of mortise locks. While the focus is initially on the Bramah lock, this is replaced after the advent of the cylinder lock. The locking cylinders are also marketed for the first time under the WILKA brand name.

1923 – 1927

The first WILKA cylinder lock

The Bramah lock, one of the most secure locks of its time
The focus is on mortise locks
Once the hyperinflation crisis ends, the range is expanded. The company changes from a specialised factory for rim locks to a manufacturer of mortise locks. While the focus is initially on the Bramah lock, this is replaced after the advent of the cylinder lock. The locking cylinders are also marketed for the first time under the WILKA brand name.
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In 1924, the electric suburban railway begins operating in Berlin.
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1928 – 1945

Global crisis and the Second World War

The global economic crisis begins in 1929.
Karl Karrenberg, the son of Julius Karrenberg, becomes managing director in the 1930s
The third generation leads through a difficult time
During the period between the two wars, the company's management is in the hands of Ernst, the youngest son of the founder, and Karl, the eldest son of Julius Karrenberg. After 1928, the global crisis sets in, leading to unprecedented unemployment. Ernst dies shortly before the outbreak of war in 1939, whereupon his son Walter joins the management. The Second World War creates a similar situation to the first. Lock production can only be maintained on a very small scale.

1928 – 1945

Global crisis and the Second World War

Karl Karrenberg, the son of Julius Karrenberg, becomes managing director in the 1930s
The third generation leads through a difficult time
During the period between the two wars, the company's management is in the hands of Ernst, the youngest son of the founder, and Karl, the eldest son of Julius Karrenberg. After 1928, the global crisis sets in, leading to unprecedented unemployment. Ernst dies shortly before the outbreak of war in 1939, whereupon his son Walter joins the management. The Second World War creates a similar situation to the first. Lock production can only be maintained on a very small scale.
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The global economic crisis begins in 1929.

1946 – 1954

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New production methods and first profile cylinders

Remote control is invented in 1948.
Installation of door locks in the 50s
Mass production arrives
The first post-war years are difficult until the currency reform creates the basis for new growth. Hand-crafted locksmithing gives way to mass production. Only a small part of the hand-crafted production remains in order to fulfil special customer requirements. Production of the first profile cylinders began in 1952/53, but the breakthrough does not come until the end of the 1950s.

1946 – 1954

New production methods and first profile cylinders

Installation of door locks in the 50s
Mass production arrives
The first post-war years are difficult until the currency reform creates the basis for new growth. Hand-crafted locksmithing gives way to mass production. Only a small part of the hand-crafted production remains in order to fulfil special customer requirements. Production of the first profile cylinders began in 1952/53, but the breakthrough does not come until the end of the 1950s.
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Remote control is invented in 1948.
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1954 – 1962

The 4th generation takes over management

The age of space travel begins in 1957 with the Sputnik satellite.
Residential building and factory in Wülfrather Straße
Major investments characterise the future
August Karrenberg, the last son of the founder, dies in 1950. Karl's death in 1954 is a great loss to the company, and he is succeeded in management by his son Friedrich, the first representative of the fourth generation. By 1957, WILKA has around 150 employees. Labour is scarce and the use of machines is becoming increasingly important. Major investments are made in the following years to rationalise the company.

1954 – 1962

The 4th generation takes over management

Residential building and factory in Wülfrather Straße
Major investments characterise the future
August Karrenberg, the last son of the founder, dies in 1950. Karl's death in 1954 is a great loss to the company, and he is succeeded in management by his son Friedrich, the first representative of the fourth generation. By 1957, WILKA has around 150 employees. Labour is scarce and the use of machines is becoming increasingly important. Major investments are made in the following years to rationalise the company.
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The age of space travel begins in 1957 with the Sputnik satellite.

1966 – 1979

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New locks and WILKA cylinders

The first manned moon landing by Apollo 11 takes place in 1969.
By 1965, the company has already been in existence for 100 years
The locks for metal frame doors are introduced
The years from 1966 onwards are particularly significant for the cylinder sector: investments are being made in machines, quite a few of which are manufactured in-house. All areas are affected by this. In 1970, the company now employs 280 people. In the 70s, the lock sector sees the birth of locks for metal door frames. The first anti-panic lock follows in 1979. In 1978, the first, practically pioneering, multi-point lock is installed in Germany. In 1979, the company is granted a patent for angled key cuts, which opens up access to the market for large locking systems. The WILKA trademark is legible in the profile.

1966 – 1979

New locks and WILKA cylinders

By 1965, the company has already been in existence for 100 years
The locks for metal frame doors are introduced
The years from 1966 onwards are particularly significant for the cylinder sector: investments are being made in machines, quite a few of which are manufactured in-house. All areas are affected by this. In 1970, the company now employs 280 people. In the 70s, the lock sector sees the birth of locks for metal door frames. The first anti-panic lock follows in 1979. In 1978, the first, practically pioneering, multi-point lock is installed in Germany. In 1979, the company is granted a patent for angled key cuts, which opens up access to the market for large locking systems. The WILKA trademark is legible in the profile.
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The first manned moon landing by Apollo 11 takes place in 1969.
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1980 – 1989

New investments in machinery and buildings

The first e-mail reaches Germany in 1984.
Aerial view of the headquarters
Remodelling measures enable progress
In 1980 WILKA has 290 employees. The multi-point lock is replaced by a complete programme in 1985 – a contribution to the ever-increasing need for security due to rising burglary crime at the time. In order to be able to produce even more precisely, faster and in a more environmentally friendly way, large investments in machinery are made in the 1980s. From 1987 to 1989, the largest new construction and remodelling project in the company's history is carried out.

1980 – 1989

New investments in machinery and buildings

Aerial view of the headquarters
Remodelling measures enable progress
In 1980 WILKA has 290 employees. The multi-point lock is replaced by a complete programme in 1985 – a contribution to the ever-increasing need for security due to rising burglary crime at the time. In order to be able to produce even more precisely, faster and in a more environmentally friendly way, large investments in machinery are made in the 1980s. From 1987 to 1989, the largest new construction and remodelling project in the company's history is carried out.
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The first e-mail reaches Germany in 1984.

1990 – 1991

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Change of name and second location

The British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee from CERN publishes the first website in 1991.
The first computer is delivered
The end of an era brings change
Following the unexpected death of managing partner Friedrich Karrenberg after 30 years of sole responsibility, the company is renamed WILKA Schließtechnik GmbH on 1 January 1990. Wolfgang K. Schlieper, son-in-law of the late Friedrich Karrenberg, and Hans-Joachim Rust, son of co-owner Ruth Rust, are appointed by the shareholders' meeting as successors in management. Around 300 employees work for the company. The company starts using IT.

1990 – 1991

Change of name and second location

The first computer is delivered
The end of an era brings change
Following the unexpected death of managing partner Friedrich Karrenberg after 30 years of sole responsibility, the company is renamed WILKA Schließtechnik GmbH on 1 January 1990. Wolfgang K. Schlieper, son-in-law of the late Friedrich Karrenberg, and Hans-Joachim Rust, son of co-owner Ruth Rust, are appointed by the shareholders' meeting as successors in management. Around 300 employees work for the company. The company starts using IT.
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The British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee from CERN publishes the first website in 1991.
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1991 – 1999

New location and launch of electronics

The DVD is introduced in 1997.
Electronic cylinders are presented for the first time in the 90s
WILKA returns to Wilhelm Karrenberg's roots
The move to a second location is an important milestone in securing the future. In 1991, a plot of land with a production hall is acquired, which, remarkably, stands in exactly the same place as the company founder's house 122 years earlier. Many production areas are being redesigned and the production process in particular is being optimised. Electronic resources, such as CAD systems and archiving systems, are incorporated into everyday working life In 1996, the newly developed electronic locking cylinder is presented to the trade public.

1991 – 1999

New location and launch of electronics

Electronic cylinders are presented for the first time in the 90s
WILKA returns to Wilhelm Karrenberg's roots
The move to a second location is an important milestone in securing the future. In 1991, a plot of land with a production hall is acquired, which, remarkably, stands in exactly the same place as the company founder's house 122 years earlier. Many production areas are being redesigned and the production process in particular is being optimised. Electronic resources, such as CAD systems and archiving systems, are incorporated into everyday working life In 1996, the newly developed electronic locking cylinder is presented to the trade public.
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The DVD is introduced in 1997.

2001 – 2002

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Further internationalisation

The Apple iPod comes onto the market in 2001.
Opened in 2001, WILKA Polska
WILKA Polska opens up the Eastern European market
In 2001, the first WILKA reversible key system is presented to the market. It is positioned in the top security segment. In the lock area, crossbar and additional locks in an unusual design form a striking step. The first subsidiary is opened in Leszno, Poland, in autumn 2001 to counteract the downturn in construction activity in Germany, which has been ongoing for years. This is intended to cater for the future markets of Eastern Europe with a local service location. At the end of 2001, the first robot is used in production – a system for the fully automated production of reversible keys.

2001 – 2002

Further internationalisation

Opened in 2001, WILKA Polska
WILKA Polska opens up the Eastern European market
In 2001, the first WILKA reversible key system is presented to the market. It is positioned in the top security segment. In the lock area, crossbar and additional locks in an unusual design form a striking step. The first subsidiary is opened in Leszno, Poland, in autumn 2001 to counteract the downturn in construction activity in Germany, which has been ongoing for years. This is intended to cater for the future markets of Eastern Europe with a local service location. At the end of 2001, the first robot is used in production – a system for the fully automated production of reversible keys.
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The Apple iPod comes onto the market in 2001.
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2003 – 2008

From product to solution

Apple launches the first iPhone in 2007.
The product portfolio includes locks, as well as mechanical and electronic cylinders
New electronic products are added to the range
In March 2003, Hans-Joachim Rust dies suddenly and Wolfgang K. Schlieper is appointed sole managing director by the shareholders. In 2008, WILKA introduces the first electronic cylinder based on the internationally widespread MIFARE standard and presents locking systems in the standard and reversible key range. In the same year, the company participates as one of the co-initiators in the regional initiative to create a university institute for hardware and security technology. It is an expression of the company's commitment to the region and the Velbert location.

2003 – 2008

From product to solution

The product portfolio includes locks, as well as mechanical and electronic cylinders
New electronic products are added to the range
In March 2003, Hans-Joachim Rust dies suddenly and Wolfgang K. Schlieper is appointed sole managing director by the shareholders. In 2008, WILKA introduces the first electronic cylinder based on the internationally widespread MIFARE standard and presents locking systems in the standard and reversible key range. In the same year, the company participates as one of the co-initiators in the regional initiative to create a university institute for hardware and security technology. It is an expression of the company's commitment to the region and the Velbert location.
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Apple launches the first iPhone in 2007.

2009 – 2015

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Financial crisis and new investments

2009 The decentralised cryptocurrency Bitcoin is launched.
In 2015, the company celebrates its 150th anniversary.
Stability during the crisis makes a new building possible
The global financial crisis in 2009 also leaves its mark on WILKA, even if it is affected far less than other sectors. In contrast to other companies in the sector, short-time working or redundancies are not necessary. At more than 5 million euros, 2012 sees the highest level of investment in the company's history to date. After many years, a striking new administrative building is being constructed. A modern sales and training centre appears in just over 5 months.

2009 – 2015

Financial crisis and new investments

In 2015, the company celebrates its 150th anniversary.
Stability during the crisis makes a new building possible
The global financial crisis in 2009 also leaves its mark on WILKA, even if it is affected far less than other sectors. In contrast to other companies in the sector, short-time working or redundancies are not necessary. At more than 5 million euros, 2012 sees the highest level of investment in the company's history to date. After many years, a striking new administrative building is being constructed. A modern sales and training centre appears in just over 5 months.
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2009 The decentralised cryptocurrency Bitcoin is launched.
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2016 – 2018

Handover to the 6th generation

Flexible smartphone displays are introduced in 2018.
Robert Schlieper – the Managing Partner of WILKA since 2016
Metal construction becomes the new focus market
In 2016, after 27 years, Wolfgang K. Schlieper hands over the position of Managing Director to his son, Robert Schlieper, the grandson of Friedrich Karrenberg, and thus into the hands of the 6th generation. In the same year, the first measures for one of the largest restructuring processes within production are initiated. In 2017, the company's innovative spirit is clearly evident in its product development in the metal lock, cylinder and electronics sectors. The decision to focus on the metal construction industry leads to the discontinuation of the production of wooden locks.

2016 – 2018

Handover to the 6th generation

Robert Schlieper – the Managing Partner of WILKA since 2016
Metal construction becomes the new focus market
In 2016, after 27 years, Wolfgang K. Schlieper hands over the position of Managing Director to his son, Robert Schlieper, the grandson of Friedrich Karrenberg, and thus into the hands of the 6th generation. In the same year, the first measures for one of the largest restructuring processes within production are initiated. In 2017, the company's innovative spirit is clearly evident in its product development in the metal lock, cylinder and electronics sectors. The decision to focus on the metal construction industry leads to the discontinuation of the production of wooden locks.
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Flexible smartphone displays are introduced in 2018.

2019 – 2022

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Great ambitions with even greater challenges

The e-scooter is introduced in 2019.
The first major trade fair since 2018 – the WILKA stand at Security 2022
Getting through the pandemic with digitalisation
The company realigns itself with a forward-looking strategy to meet changing market requirements. The implementation of the strategy ensures profitability, as well as employee and customer satisfaction in the long term. The coronavirus crisis hits the whole world in February 2020 and demands a lot from both company management and every single employee. The constant changes in the legal situation and the severe impairment of personal collaboration due to the limitations imposed by social distancing require progress in digitalisation, as well as flexibility regarding mobile working.

2019 – 2022

Great ambitions with even greater challenges

The first major trade fair since 2018 – the WILKA stand at Security 2022
Getting through the pandemic with digitalisation
The company realigns itself with a forward-looking strategy to meet changing market requirements. The implementation of the strategy ensures profitability, as well as employee and customer satisfaction in the long term. The coronavirus crisis hits the whole world in February 2020 and demands a lot from both company management and every single employee. The constant changes in the legal situation and the severe impairment of personal collaboration due to the limitations imposed by social distancing require progress in digitalisation, as well as flexibility regarding mobile working.
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The e-scooter is introduced in 2019.