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Luftaufnahme vom WILKA Firmengelände


Our claim: Safe and secure, that’s for sure.

We are a traditional company that has been making the world safe for decades – in the truest sense of the word! With innovative solutions and a clear vision, we have established ourselves as one of the leading suppliers of locking technology. We rely on state-of-the-art technology that not only ensures maximum safety, but also focuses on durability and sustainability. Our aim is to further improve the security of private households, companies and public institutions through continuous development and customised solutions. We always keep up with the latest technology and move with the times – for a future in which we can feel safe.

WILKA Building


WILKA building

Mission statement

WILKA History


Training at WILKA


The WILKA sustainability strategy combines environmental awareness, social responsibility and economic success

Nachhaltigkeit (Kopie 1)

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