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Locking systems for office buildings from WILKA

Office buildings

More protection against outsiders

Locking technology plays a decisive role in the security infrastructure of office buildings. Locking systems for office buildings not only provide physical protection for people, valuables and information, but also enable efficient control of access authorisations. WILKA systems offer the possibility of combining mechanical and electronic solutions to ensure both flexibility and maximum security.

Requirements for locking systems for office buildings


Quick changes to access authorisations


Protect critical areas against unauthorised access


Escape options in an emergency


Tracking of activities in the event of security breaches


Separate systems for different companies in building complexes

Schließanlagen für Bürogebäude

Solutions for office buildings

Mechanical solutions

  • Locking systems for office buildings with individual authorisations per person and door
  • Maximum security, especially for cylinders with copy protection
  • No keys issued to unauthorised persons
  • Subsequent expansion of the locking system for office buildings possible at any time

Electronic solutions

  • Fast and flexible adjustment of access authorisations
  • Simple monitoring of security-relevant activities
  • Can be operated using various transponders (card, key fob, etc.)
  • Subsequent expansion of the locking system for office buildings possible at any time

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